Planetbeing And Pod2G Make More Progress On The iOS 6 Untethered Jailbreak
Pod2G is a busy individual to say the least and despite announcing he would be leaving the Jailbreaking community to focus on his own business, it looks like this hasn’t stopped him from at least pitching in on the iOS 6 UntetheredJailbreak.
Planetbeing, one of the main hackersbehind the iOS 6 Untethered Jailbreak,tweeted yesterday that he had made some nice progress with Pod2G on theJailbreak. Pod2G then followed up by explaining the two had found two new vulnerabilities in one day! I call that a productive day to say the least.
Despite the iOS 6 Untethered Jailbreak still needing initial code execution, it seems like arelease date could be getting closer and closer. Once code execution is found it will come down to testing it across multiple devices and integrating it in a program such as RedSn0w orAbsinthe.
Pod2G also followed up to someone asking whether these vulnerabilities applied to the 3rd generation Apple TV, but unfortunately this is not the case. Pod2G reiterated that “ if it’s difficult to break a standard iDevice, you can imagine that’s even tougher for ATV3.”
Although there is still quite a bit of work to do on the iOS 6 Untethered Jailbreak, it is great to hear of more progress being made and also to see Pod2G return to the Jailbreak community.
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